SII Romania obtains the Great Place to Work® certification for the second consecutive year

SII Romania, a multinational company specialized in IT services and solutions, obtains, for the second consecutive year, the Great Place to Work® certification, awarded to the organizations most appreciated by employees at the international level.
Compared to the previous year, the company recorded increases in all indicators, and the results obtained place SII Romania 19% above the average of audited companies worldwide. With a Trust Index© questionnaire completion rate of 83%, 6% higher than last year, 90% of SII Romania employees perceive their workplace as a community they belong to, 84% feel involved in the activities on which the company organizes, and 83% qualify the organization as an excellent employer.
“Fairness, collaboration and effective communication are the pillars that help us build a strong organizational culture within SII Romania, where every individual feels appreciated and inspired to reach their maximum potential. This certification is not only a recognition, but also a responsibility to continue investing in the development and well-being of our teams, and the results obtained from the responses of our colleagues motivate us to expand our efforts to ensure that SII Romania remains an employer of reference” declared Manel Ballesteros, CEO of SII Romania.
The results obtained place SII Romania 19% above the average of companies audited worldwide by the global organization Great Place To Work®. In addition, compared to the previous year, the company recorded increases in the most important indicators, thanks to the measures it implemented to improve the organizational culture, which it will continue this year.
These include increasing the number of events, supporting the career development of employees and offering training courses and professional development opportunities through a department dedicated 100% to the needs of employees, People Management. Great Place to Work® is a global authority on research, consulting and training that helps companies create and maintain great work environments. The evaluation methodology focuses on a number of important criteria for employees, such as trust, respect, fairness, involvement, communication, competence, collegiality and others.
At the same time, the employees’ relationships with both their superiors and other colleagues are analyzed, as well as their perception of their own workplace.
The certification is valid for a period of one year, and companies are automatically eligible for the best places to work regionally and globally.
About SII Romania
SII Romania is part of SII Group, a leading multinational company in the field of technology. The local branch was opened in 2009 and provides software development services (digital and engineering) and IT outsourcing. Currently, SII Romania has over 650 employees, with a high level of expertise in more than 40 technologies, joined by the management and business support team. The company has a portfolio of over 180 national and international projects, developed for local and global clients. The main industries served by SII Romania through the Digital division are: IT, Telecommunications, Banking & Finance, Insurance, Energy, Manufacturing, Agriculture, and through the Engineering division: Automotive, Transport, Aerospace & Defense. SII Romania is a Great Place To Work® certified company.