FintechOS and ONEY have completely digitized the lending process

ONEY Romania, a company that offers innovative credit solutions, a subsidiary of the BPCE – Auchan group, has completely digitized the process of applying for a credit card or a personal loan with the help of FintechOS, a leader in the field of financial technology in Central and Eastern Europe.
Currently, 40% of all credit agreements and additional documents for receiving a credit card or personal loan are electronically signed.
• Customers go through an easier and faster process, gaining 75% of the time;
• Employee productivity has increased;
• The costs of paper and postal services are zero;

Jean Michel Goncalves, CEO of ONEY Romania, said: “The entire customer experience has been simplified, and the rate of acceptance of requests has increased accordingly thanks to the technology adopted. Through the complete digitalization of the process, we have also taken a green approach in business, sustainable in the long run. I would like to thank all the teams involved – my team, FintechOS teams and our banking partners. ” The partnership between ONEY and FintechOS is wider, began in 2021 and began with the reconstruction of ONEY’s digital platform – the interface is now interconnected with all banks, the number of fields with information requested from customers has been reduced to a minimum, and the waiting time has been reduced. considerable.“
The need to digitize the lending process has grown with the migration of commerce to the online environment, especially during the pandemic. The demand for technologies capable of responding quickly to this phenomenon has increased accordingly, with FintechOS capitalizing on this opportunity: today, tens of thousands of electronic interactions take place daily in the financial services industry with the help of solutions made by FintechOS and its partners. more varied – from the purchase of a health insurance to the enrollment of an SME for a loan or the purchase of goods in installments.
Teodor Blidăruș, Co-Founder and CEO of FintechOS stated: “We started four years ago as a start-up that offers financial technology for banks and insurance. The business we navigate has changed all this time, the evolution being dynamic, fast and spectacular. We no longer think in terms of banking or insurance, but we see financial services as a whole – complete, integrated, customer-centric. The boundaries between industries have blurred, and we have to stay at their intersection, innovate constantly, respond quickly to new needs, and win business in every market. Extension to emerging financial services is a key goal for FintechOS. ”
FintechOS recently announced revenue of over $ 20 million by the end of the first quarter of this year, with the main growth drivers being business migration to a new type of economy, mostly digital, but also strengthening FintechOS ‘reputation as a leader in financial technology. in Central and Eastern Europe.
FintechOS is currently involved in digital transformation projects for financial organizations in Romania, the United Kingdom, Central and Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and North America. The FintechOS platform combines business and digital elements in a no-code / low-code approach, supported by a native cloud architecture, optimized for customized data-driven services.