ANIS 2022’s Gala Awards – The IT industry awarded winners: Atos, Bit Sentinel, Brio, Endava, Medicai, Wipro Technologies and Zitec

ANIS, the Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry, organized on Thursday, March 31, the eighth edition of the ANIS Gala, an event in which the most important companies and projects that stood out last year were awarded. 60 projects from 34 companies were submitted to this edition.
“As every year, we aim to bring together the best companies and projects in the IT area to bring them market recognition and reward the best promoters in the industry. In addition to those who receive the trophies of this edition, there are many who have stood out through the activities carried out and the projects with great impact carried out last year. We want to thank everyone for their initiatives and we look forward to seeing them next year with new achievements “, said Gabriela Mechea, Executive Director of ANIS Romania.
The Winners of the 2022’s ANIS Awards
Bit Sentinel, with the Unbreakable program, won the award for the Educational Program of the Year. Unbreakable Romania is a cyber security educational program for high school and college students whose mission is to grow, cultivate talent and guide the new generation of specialists to choose a career in cybersecurity. In total, 16 companies entered this category, and the finalists were Brio, with the A.E.R. Remedial School, Endava, with the program Girls Girls ’Academy and Young Women in Tech and the Informal School of IT, for the program of the same name.
The CSR project of the year was won by Endava, with the Thank You Forest program. Developed in partnership with Plantăm Fapte Bune, Endava Thank You Forest is the company’s commitment to plant 30,000 trees in Romania. The initiative was designed to involve Endava people in action against climate change and is also connected to the internal recognition program. Finalist in this category was also Metro Digital Romania with the Letters to Santa program.
The start-up of the year is Brio, a DeepTech SaaS educational platform developed to help students in grades I-XII, parents, teachers and educational institutions increase their educational performance and confidence among young people. Brio identifies students’ strengths, weaknesses and areas of risk, enabling targeted and measurable personal development. The finalists in this category were also EasyDo Digital Technologies, Innoship, MedX. The winner of the R&D Project of the Year award is Atos IT Solutions & Services, with the Aisaac program. AisaaC is a state-of-the-art cyber security threat prevention, detection and response service powered by an artificial intelligence platform. This is a highly scalable analysis platform that runs state-of-the-art algorithms and advanced Big Data technologies to detect complex, targeted and unknown attacks. Finalists in this category were also Assist Sofware with CounteR and Metro Digital Romania with Checkoutless.
Wipro Technologies with VDCM won the Software Outsourcing Solution of the Year award. In partnership with Marelli, Wipro has developed the VDCM (Vehicle Domain Controller Management) software for managing the dynamics of the vehicle’s suspension system and is implemented in two versions: one dedicated to internal combustion engines and another for electric vehicles (both hybrid and fully electric). The finalists in this category were Atta Systems with Bold Health and Zitec with Sameday Lockers.
The Software Product of the Year Award goes to Innovator Artificial Tech with Medication. Medicai allows small and medium-sized clinics, doctors, hospitals, clinicians and patients to collaborate securely and asynchronously and access medical imaging from anywhere. The finalists in this category were Modex with Modex Blockchain Database and Zitec with Regista.
The company of the year was named Zitec, leader on the IT & Digital Marketing market in Romania, a company specialized in the development of digital transformation solutions, customized services and technological products, mobile applications, blockchain, as well as digital marketing services. In 2021, Zitec saw significant growth in business segments such as Product development, Google & Microsoft Cloud, Digital Marketing, Mobile or eCommerce solutions, and expanded its portfolio with more than 50 new, industry-renowned customers in a variety of industries. international. The finalists in this category were Atta Systems, Softbinator Technologies and Tremend Software Consulting. ANIS Member of the Year was named Atos IT Solutions & Services. The company has stood out for its active support in the association’s projects throughout 2021.
This year, for the first time, ANIS also introduced a special distinction – Best Personal Contribution – to a person who excelled last year by getting involved in the initiatives and projects of the Association. The winner of the current edition was Edward Crețescu – Head of Sales & Partnerships at Digidemat Romania. Edward has extensive experience in digitization and business development in the IT field. Within ANIS, he is the coordinator of the Task Force on Digitization and Industry Development, being a person very involved in our activities and projects. Always ready to lend a helping hand, Edward won the appreciation of both the members and the executive team.
The members of the jury who nominated the winners of the sixth edition of the ANIS Gala are: Mihai Matei – President of ANIS, Radu Burnete – Executive Director of Concordia Employers’ Confederation, Mirela Gavra – founder of The Diplomat-Bucharest, Ana Giurcă – founder of Loginro, Bianca Muntean – Executive Director of ARIES Transilvania, Cristian-Alexandru Nae – Deputy General Manager of TechVentures Bank, Elena Pap – Regional Director (for Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia & Greece) within Up Coop, Răzvan Rughiniș – ACS Vice Dean, Polytechnic University of Bucharest and co-founder of Innovation Labs, Carmen Sebe – CEO of Seedblink, Dan Zaharia – founder of Fab Lab Iași.