BCR Group finances the Digital People program, initiated by the Informal School of IT, dedicated to the professional reconversion of those who lost their jobs in the pandemic

Banca Comercială Română Group, through BCR, BCR Social Finance and Erste Foundation, granted a financing of 340,000 lei to the program launched by the Informal IT School, which comes to the aid of people who have lost their jobs or remained technically unemployed, amid the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The financing was made through a program made available to the non-profit sector in Romania by the BCR Group, in which the interest is subsidized 100% by the Erste Foundation for credit uses made until December 31, 2020.
“With the pandemic, society and the economy had to accelerate the digitization process, in order to adapt to the new context. Many previously cumbersome processes were resolved much faster. This is the positive side. Unfortunately, Romania ranks last in Europe when it comes to long-distance work and, at the same time, is facing rising unemployment. That’s why I received the Digital People program with open arms. We are happy to be a part of it and to help support those who lost their jobs during this difficult time. Moreover, we like to say that we finance a training program that represents a long-term solution for all those who will follow it,” said Ștefan Buciuc, CEO of BCR Social Finance.
The Digital People initiative gives students the chance to learn new digital skills and specialize in areas that are in high demand in the labor market, such as Java Development, Software Testing, Web Development (JavaScript) or Python Development. The courses last on average 4-5 months and are taught by the mentors of the Informal School of IT, in a mix of training-coaching-mentoring, which includes Soft Skills and Interview Preparation sessions, meant to help graduates get more employment. Easy.
Registrations take place between September 1 and November 30, 2020, by filling in the registration form available online on the program page (www.scoalainformala.ro/digital-people), where you can also access the campaign regulations.