Silvia Calistru, SCC: “It’s difficult to find talents today, and we have to adapt our recruitment process”
“It’s very challenging to be a leader in today’s business environment. To have success, you need to be able to adapt your style because people are different, they have different needs, expectations, level of skills, experience etc.
As leaders, we must be able to adapt our style, communicate effectively, manage progression, and make sure that together we are building a performant team. We embrace the situational leadership framework,” Silvia Calistru, Head of Recruitment & People Development, SCC said during Romanian Business Services Forum organized by Outsourcing Today and The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“I really believe that to engage people and to have a certain level of performance, leaders need to coach them, teach team, adapt the leadership style to help them progress.
At SCC, we aim for people voices to be at the heart of all our actions. We launch periodic surveys, gather feedback from them, analyse trends, build action plans, and involve people in how we put in practice all those actions to build the environment that we wish to have within the company.
It’s difficult to find talents today. But I think if we search for the right mix between competencies, soft skills, and values, we could find a good fit for the company and someone that stays within the company for a long time.
It’s very important to adapt our recruitment process and not to search for a certain type of profile. We teach our leaders how to identify and choose the right candidate.”