Leading by the power of example with resilience, knowledge and empathy
Throughout the enduring and multifaceted actual landscape of doing business, the managers and leaders of organizations, along with their teams are put at test, not only from the perspective of reaching the business objectives but in the more ore profound way of finding again the human resorts that make us work together.
In this respect, we talked with Colin Lovering, a well-known face of the Romania business community and a seasoned professional in transforming the sales performance of literally hundreds of organisations and individuals over the past 15 years in North America, Asia, South Africa and right across Europe. Colin Lovering is Brainovate’s International Business Partner and leads the Business Performance Academy for sales professionals.
We tackled several aspects in our conversation, such as finding the best approach in our daily workdays, how business as usual transformed in the past months and what should we learn from this extremely complex experience. Find them below:
Focusing on the employees’ wellbeing: Cognitive, Emotional and Physical
As a Business Performance Consultant, my main focus has been with Brainovate and the Corporate Office Solutions sales team over these weeks and the reaction and strategy has been pretty much the same in both instances.
The biggest challenge for the team has been the adjustment to working from home and keeping that discipline of maintaining a business mind-set and, more importantly, keeping a positive and optimistic attitude towards clients and colleagues alike.
The most important thing has been to focus on the 3 crucial areas of employees wellbeing which is the Cognitive, Emotional and Physical and there is ongoing advice and mentoring to feed those essential needs as well as the physical setting up of a productive and professional home-office environment.
The way we do business, the way we learn, the way we interact will fundamentally change through this.
The cycle is a little like the Product Life Cycle Curve that sees an introduction-growth-maturity and decline, I see the same pattern for the Coronavirus impact and the agile organizations and individuals will not wait for the final all clear but begin the ‘back to business’ process at the top of the curve when data is more accurate and predictions for a begin of the decline start to be more obvious. Maintaining relationships from a benevolence level through any crisis is key as that is how we will be remembered by our clients and connections once this challenging period is over.
The offshoot should be the correlation into business lives with much more evidence of genuine benevolence between professionals and organizations
I think that the key lesson we have all learned is actually about relationships and in particular our personal ones that have been challenged more than ever before through this period but has positively enhanced our appreciation and understanding of the importance this plays in our lives. The offshoot of this is the correlation into our business lives with much more evidence of genuine benevolence between professionals and organizations creating a developing trust and care that wasn’t so apparent in the wild days preceding this window of thought and reflection. The second learning is the realization that working from home can actually be productive and video calls are actually more efficient and engaging than those laborious meetings we don’t miss.
To find out more about Brainovate’s services, contact Colin at colin@brainovate.com or visit www.brainovate.com