HP CEO Enrique Lores: We are closely following guidance from public health authorities to mitigate risk

HP has recently issued a public message to its partners and customers that outlines how the company plans to forge ahead while the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic continues to change the world.
HP president and CEO Enrique Lores wrote an open letter stating that HP is focused on managing the situation with urgency and care and is personally expressing support to all teams during this time.
“Times like these remind us all what’s most important in our lives, and HP is here to support you in any way we can. Like you, we are closely following guidance from public health authorities to mitigate risk,” Lores writes.
He outlines some of the actions that HP is taking to protect staff, partners and customers from COVID-19. These include more frequent facility cleans, more screening practices at HP sites, restricting travel, creating and implementing work from home policies, and cancelling in-person meetings in favour of virtual meetings.
The HP Foundation has donated 1 million US dollars to support communities, and it has also donated PCs and printers to hospitals in affected areas.
Lores says HP understands that partners and customers may experience stronger needs for technology services in the current climate.
HP states it is doing the following things to meet customer and partner needs:
Leveraging HP’s global supply chain and working closely with suppliers to continue delivering products and services for customers.
Increasing customer support operations through its global support website for customers and partners needing assistance during this time. HP is also updating its 24/7 Virtual Agent regularly with the latest information.
Releasing an HP Response to COVID-19 Guide for Customers and Partners with details on its business continuity plans, how-to guides and other useful information pertaining to the most common requests HP receives, including cleaning your PC or Printer, best practices when working from home, and tips for hosting virtual meetings.
Reminding people to beware of suspicious online activity from hackers seeking to prey on current concerns people are feeling. It is important to remain vigilant and maintain cybersecurity best practices.”
Lores says that the situation isn’t likely to disappear any time soon, so HP will continue to monitor it closely.
“Though our business touches every corner of the world, we share a common culture that’s built on integrity, responsibility and trust. These values have long guided HP – and we will continue to come together as one HP committed to the wellbeing of the communities we serve around the world,” Lores writes.
“The entire HP leadership team and I are ready to support you in the coming weeks and months. Do not hesitate to reach out to us or our teams at any time.”