ANIS 2022 Scholarships – Registrations start on September 1. Grants worth 5,000 euros for teachers
ANIS, the Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry, announces the start of the fifth edition of the ANIS Scholarships program. Teachers who meet the eligibility criteria can submit their applications between September 1 and 25, and the selected projects will benefit, as every year, from a sponsorship worth 5,000 euros.
The program is addressed to university teaching staff from all over the country, who are up to 40 years old (completed in 2022) and hold the title of doctor, respectively the didactic degree of lecturer or university assistant. Candidates must propose innovative teaching technologies and methods in the university curriculum, which integrate at least one of the following eight areas: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT), Health Tech, Virtual Reality, Blockchain , Tech for All (introduction of technology courses in non-IT faculties).
Specifically, course holders must introduce a new course in the 2022-2023 academic year, update an existing course (at least 50%) or introduce new and innovative teaching methods, and assistants can propose solutions for updating laboratory (over 50%), with the consent of the titular teaching staff. To be eligible, the proposed course/laboratory is supported by the faculty, being included in the curriculum for the academic year 2022-2023, in any of the recognized forms: mandatory, optional or optional. The project registration period is September 1-25, 2022, and the program regulations can be consulted at
All projects will go through a preliminary evaluation process, based on the written application and a video clip in which they will present the innovative elements of the course or laboratory. The three evaluation criteria are: the innovative character of the course/laboratory and its sustainability, the detailed structure covering the objectives and subject matter of the course/laboratory and the method, which refers to the candidate’s profile and the use of innovative teaching methods. In October, the finalists will hold an interview with the members of the evaluation committee, and in November, the grants for the selected projects, worth 5,000 euros, will be awarded at the ANIS Scholarship Gala.
The evaluation committee consists of: Prof. Dr. Lenuța Alboaie – University of Al. Cuza (Prodean FI), Dr. Răzvan Bologa – Academy of Economic Studies (Cybernetics), Cătălina Dodu – Atos, Dr. Radu Gramatovici – University of Bucharest (Vice Chancellor), Daniel Ilinca – Softbinator Technologies, Vasile Manta – Gh. Asachi Technical University (ACS Dean), Ion Moldoveanu – Deutsche Bank Global Technology, Dr. Simona Motogna – Babeș Bolyai University (UBB Senate Vice President), Prof. Dr. Răzvan Rughiniș – Bucharest Polytechnic University (ACS Vice Dean), Dr. Honoriu Vălean – Cluj Technical University , Prof. Dr. Radu Vasiu – Politehnica University of Timișoara (UPT Senate President), Prof. Dr. Cosmin Bonchis – West University (FMI Vice-Dean).
45 didactic projects obtained sponsorships in the total amount of 225,000 euros, in the four previous editions
The ANIS Scholarships program, which benefits from the direct support of technology companies and representatives of the university environment, is intended to stimulate the efforts of young teachers. The objective of the program is to improve the teaching metrics and the integration of emerging technologies in the didactic activity. Launched in 2018, at the initiative of ANIS, the program has national coverage, and the applicants whose projects are selected benefit from a sponsorship of the teaching activity in the amount of 5,000 euros.
In the four completed editions, through the ANIS Scholarships program, 45 didactic projects benefited from sponsorships, which obtained a cumulative value of 225,000 euros. In total, in the previous editions, 122 teachers from 39 participating faculties, located in 11 cities nationwide, signed up. At the same time, three collaborations between companies and academia on R&D projects were born through the program.
Previous editions were made with the support of the following companies: Adobe, Atos, Bitdefender, Deutsche Bank, Cornerstone Technologies, eMag, Endava, Enea, Huawei, Microsoft, Qualitance, Softbinator Technologies, Softelligence Engineering, Tremend, Wipro.